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Product Name:
Automatic rapid micro sample flash point tester of balanced method |
Product Intro:
Is automatically a closed flash point tester, can paint Paints, varnishes, chemical reagents, fragrance, perfume, solid chemicals, viscous chemical, bio-fuel oil, aviation fuel, lubricants, oil and related products fast samples of the actual flash point testing. |
Equipment in line with the test methods: ISO 3679; ISO 3680; ISO 1516; ASTM D3278; ASTM D3828; Standards in line with China's GB7634, GB5207, GB5208 GB/T21790 1. Operation: Automatic 2. Temperature Range: -0 to 100 ℃ (-30 ℃ to 300 ℃) 3. Detection of the way: automatic detection (flash fire probe) 4. Test accuracy: 0.5 ℃ 5. Check the value of flash point: 49.7 ℃ ± 1.6 ℃ 6. Sample volume: 2 ml or 4 milliliters 7. Atmospheric pressure: automatic correction 8. Test mode: rapid balance-speed mode and heating mode are 9. Cooling: built-in refrigeration module (no need for external cooling device) 10. Output interface: computers, printers (optional) 11. Power Requirements: 220/240V, 50/60Hz