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Product Name:
DWS-51-type number of significant concentration of sodium ions |
Product Intro:
DWS-51-type figures show that the concentration of sodium ions in aqueous solution by measuring the volume of Na + with the design, especially for the high-water plants (such as steam, condensate, boiler feed water, etc.) is more suitable for monitoring the quality of applications, other stoves water, natural water, etc. can also supply.
DWS-51-type figures show that the concentration of sodium ions is a wholly integrated circuits of high-impedance millivolt (hereinafter referred to total power) and electrode features a combination of sodium, when sodium electrode function when immersed in solution measured with the calomel electrode have some potential, this potential decision and the specific activity of Na +, when the second electric potential input to time, you can head in the form of direct digital read out the number of pNa. |
The main technical performance:
1, measuring range:
(1) of part of electricity: pNa :0-9; Na +: 23g / 1 ~ 2.3gμg / 1
(2) supporting measurements (determined by the electrode) pNa: 1 ~ 7; Na +: 23g / 1 ~ 2.3gμg / 1
2, apparatus minimal value: 0.01
3, precision: (1) of electricity: 0.02 pNa / 3 pNa
(2) package: 1 ~ 7 pNa <± 0.5 pNa
4, apparatus using the ambient temperature 5 ~ 40 ℃, humidity is not more than 85%
5, the supply voltage 220v ± 10% change in frequency of 50 ~ 60Hz
6, the measured solution temperature 0 ~ 60 ℃
7, power consumption: <1 W
8, size: (200 × 160 × 70) mm3
9, Weight: About 0.5kg
There are a variety of specifications can not set out in detail, if necessary, are welcome to inquire