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Product recommendation:
Shanghai modern : Coatings Series detection equipment
Shanghai Changji: Coatings Series, a series of oil, highways Series detection equipment
Tjyongda: chemical Reagent
Shanghai Yiheng: drying box, raises box, vacuum drying box series instrument
Shanghai bluepard: Height thermostat, constant temperature constant humidity box, ageingoven series
Shanghai HengPing: Electronic Balance Series
Szclean: Stage Series
Quanzhou Keshijia: Glossmeter series

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Product Name:
Type DDSJ-350 Conductivity Meter
Product Intro:
Apparatus main features: ◆ apparatus can be conductivity, TDS, salinity, temperature measurement ◆ the use of micro-processing technology. Wide-screen liquid crystal display, the operation at the same time prompts the use of simple and convenient, the use of new PC panel, reliability, good ◆ temperature temperature compensation, automatic calibration, automatic range conversion, power protection function ◆ on the test results can be stored, delete, print, store up to 250 sets of measurement data: and to provide real-time printing, print two sets of storage for the user to choose print mode ◆ has a standard feature, the electrode can be set constant or TDS conversion factors ◆ source management functions ◆ Selection of conductance constant pool of 0.01cm-1 titanium alloy electrode and sealed measuring trough which may be suitable for the high-water measurement ◆ with RS-232 interface, which can be accessed by PT-16-type printers, the use of magnetic mine REXDC data acquisition software and computer communications ◆ Chassis protective equipment so that rating of IP65, waterproof, dust-proof, applicable to field work

Main technical indicators:
◆ Instrument Rating: 1.0
◆ Measurement Range:
Conductivity: (0 ~ 1.999 × 105) ц S / cm range is divided into five files, can automatically switch 
       (0 ~ 1.999) μS / cm (2.00 ~ 19.99) μS / cm 
        (0 ~ 1.999) μS / cm (2.00 ~ 1999) μS / c
        (2.00 ~ 19.99) mS / cm (20.0 ~ 199.9) mS / cm 
        (With constant electrode 10:00)
   TDS: (0 ~ 19900) mg / L, range is divided into five files, can automatically switch 
       (0 ~ 10.00) mg / L; (10.0 ~ 19.99) g / L
Salinity: (0.0 ~ 80.0) ppt [(0.0 ~ 8.00)%]
Temperature: (0.0 ~ 40.0) ℃
Constant ◆ electrode cm-1, 0.01,0.1,1.0,10.0
◆ fundamental error of electronic unit:
Conductivity: ± 1.0% (FS) ± 1 word
Salinity: ± 0.2% ± 1 word
Temperature: ± 0.3 ℃ ± 1 word
◆ electronic unit stability: ± 0.7% (FS) ± 1 word / 3h
◆ equipment basic error: ± 1.5% (FS) ± 1 word
◆ Temperature compensation range: (0.0 ~ 40.0) ℃
Conductivity of the base temperature of 25 ℃ temperature conductivity of the base 18 ℃ 

There are a variety of specifications can not set out in detail, if necessary, are welcome to inquire.

Huangneng of Daliang melts the glassy market: T:22261548 22281548 22263793  F:0757-22281548
Huangneng of Ronggui melts the glassy market: T:28810032 28810073 28810089  F:0757-28810089
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