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Product Name:
Distilled water heater control device of stainless steel YA.ZDI-5 |
Product Intro:
This product is heated to drink tap water consumption in order to get pure water distillation system. For health care, pharmaceutical, plating, and laboratory and other departments. The product easy to use, simple operation, more characteristics of the use of high-quality stainless steel material, after special treatment, well-formed processing. This is not only fully guarantees the quality of distilled water, but also to improve its service life.
Also the use of more reliable protection of the water alarm device, which greatly reduced due to dry water heater pipe burst and caused the accident, which effectively extends the life of the heater tube. |
Main technical parameters:
Models: 5 liters / h
Voltage: 220V
There are a variety of specifications can not set out in detail, if necessary, are welcome to inquire.