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Product Name:
Constant temperature shaker culture THZ-100 (THZ-98B) |
Product Intro:
Constant temperature shaker culture, a new generation of oscillator and shaker has many unique properties, in addition to these unique properties of a satisfactory performance and long-term reliability, so that oscillator and a double to become your best choice. Widely used for purposes outlined in Summary of temperature and oscillation frequency required a higher bacterial culture, fermentation, hybridization, biochemical reactions, as well as organizations such as enzymes and Features Features 1. The use of microcomputer control of temperature and frequency, with regular features, import compressors and fans, environment-friendly refrigerants. 2. Box liner and vibration are of stainless steel surface and easy cleaning. 3. Arbitrarily set the alarm temperature, the protection of the sample to be reliable. 4. Has opened the door switch: door open when the system stop working, turn off the system to start. 5. Speed control circuit to ensure a smooth start and stop shaking and to prevent the spill of liquid within the inner damage caused by equipment. |
Main technical parameters:
Constant temperature shaker culture 220N 50Hz power supply Oscillation frequency of 40 ~ 300r/min Amplitude 20mm Temperature range of RT +5 ~ 50 ℃ Temperature resolution of 0.1 ℃ Input power 580W Pallet size (mm) 350 × 350 From time to time the scope of 1 ~ 9999min
There are a variety of specifications can not set out in detail, if necessary, are welcome to inquire.