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Product Name:
san pin machine |
Product Intro:
Product description : one mainly for the purpose and performance characteristics QGM-65 three roll grinding machine is widely used in paints, coatings, inks, plastics, leather, rubber, lead batteries, medicine, food, cosmetics and insulation materials such as raw materials for the chemical industry Wet grind machinery, and other functions and is widely used in research, testing, milk production and trace debugging. Main components of the three roll, using alloy materials, corrosion resistance, abrasion resistance, oxidation resistance, high surface hardness and high accuracy. Operator convenience, the dry sound low. 2, structure and working principle of the machine by a major, and two body, three electrical switches and outlet plate 4, 5 Roller, six behind the plate, adjusting system 7, 8 rotation system, a total of eight motor components (see figure 1) Principle : After the raw materials from Roll and two behind the two panels to the natural struggle, and After two roller in the opposite asynchronous raw materials produced by the rotation of the urgent, raw material damage between the molecular structure should be broken, and then, Even before the second high-speed roller grinding, thus achieving high raw material mixing. |
Details :三, the main technical parameters Table units : mm size projects appearance (the ratio specifications roll (after ex) roller speed (rpm) of liquid viscosity PCT Ltd. Copyright Boat mooring / pm Parameters 450 × 450 × 430 × 136 65 ∮ 1:3 : 9 88 30~8000 item expectations size ∪ m finished size fire ∪ m reference efficiency (kg / h) for the entire power Net Weight (kg) 50-100 parameters 5-18/3 five times YL-8014 550W 70