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Product recommendation:
Shanghai modern : Coatings Series detection equipment
Shanghai Changji: Coatings Series, a series of oil, highways Series detection equipment
Tjyongda: chemical Reagent
Shanghai Yiheng: drying box, raises box, vacuum drying box series instrument
Shanghai bluepard: Height thermostat, constant temperature constant humidity box, ageingoven series
Shanghai HengPing: Electronic Balance Series
Szclean: Stage Series
Quanzhou Keshijia: Glossmeter series

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Product Name:
Arc-shaped wear-resistant rub tester
Product Intro:
HNMC arc HNMC wear-resistant wear-resistant rub rub test machine testing machine was used to evaluate the quality of ink printed decoration rubbing wear-resistant layer of the merits of the device, the machine is to allow the ink to be measured under a certain load the sample, arc-shaped table in a back and forth to the number of friction and wear can be assessed the performance of ink rubbing wear-resistant. The test machine is based on Japanese Industrial Standard JIS L-0801/L-0823/L-0849/L-1084/P-8136 designed and manufactured.

Main technical parameters
1, reciprocating speed: 30 times / min
2, load: grinding head: 200 ± 10 grams 6
          Additional Act Code: 300 ± 5 grams 6
                    500 ± 5 grams 2
3, home range: 0 ~ 9999
4, reciprocating itinerary: 120mm
5, curved surface curvature: R200mm
6, Motor Power: 25W
7, Dimension: 350 × 470 × 310mm (L × W × H)
8, weight: 34kg

Huangneng of Daliang melts the glassy market: T:22261548 22281548 22263793  F:0757-22281548
Huangneng of Ronggui melts the glassy market: T:28810032 28810073 28810089  F:0757-28810089
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